Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When the Earth Beneath Us Crumbles

Watching the videos and seeing the images of Japan's devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami leaves us speechless and numb. Each news report paints a darker picture than the one we saw the previous day -- thousands more dead, homeless numbers rising, damage estimates skyrocketing into the billions, and the threat of nuclear meltdown more imminent. It all makes our cozy lives and trivial compliants about the weather seem so small and meaningless compared to this great tragedy.

We are left with many questions. What can we do? How do we respond? Where is God in all of this?

This may sound like a Sunday School answer, but the first thing we can do is PRAY! Don't just talk about praying or say you will pray, but really pray. Find a quiet place and pray out loud to God. Pray for the victims and their families. Pray for the rescue workers. Pray for our missionaries in Japan. Pray that God will move and respond to those who cry out to Him (Ps. 107:6).

Yes, we can do more than pray, but we can't do more without praying. We can GIVE! You can give toward the relief effort by sending your gift to First Christian Church (please write "MSGF" in the memo). All donated funds will go directly to Mustard Seed Global Fellowship (MSGF). FCC's own Jared Henke, and his wife Stephanie, are missionaries with MSGF. They have a very good network with many of the Christian churches in Japan. This means they will be able to get aid immediately into the hands of Christians who are reaching out to the victims of this natural disaster.

Pray, give, and BE WISE! It is likely you will have those in your circles of influence who want to know where God is when such tragedies occur, or, worse yet, they blame God for it! If you can help them make sense of it, you have opened a door to share Christ’s love with them. Here are a few questions and answers that may help you in these discussions:

Why did this happen?

We live in a fallen world. All of creation is deteriorating because of one thing -- sin. Bad things happen to good and bad people because of sin. The Apostle Paul writes, “For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.” Romans 8:19-21 (New Living Translation). So, natural disasters happen and will continue to happen until the Christ returns!

Did God cause this to happen?

Yes and no. Because God is the Creator, He created a world where this could happen, or as some say, God allows it to happen. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that God purposely caused the destruction. Jesus speaks of a tragic event in His day and time in Luke 13:3-5 where a tower collapsed, killing 18 people. Jesus pointed out that God didn’t cause it to happen because the 18 were sinners. It just happened. However, it comes as a warning to all that if calamity does happen (and it will) we need to be eternally prepared!

What good could ever come out of something so tragic?

Tragic events cause us to stop and ponder the frailty of life -- we are faced with our own mortality. Knowing that life is fragile, leads us to evaluate our priorities, and for those whose priorities are skewed, it's a wake up call. In fact, Jesus in Matthew 24 & 25 and the Apostle John in the book of Revelation indicate that God allows such things as a warning of the coming day of the Lord –- or judgment day. Jesus says, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42, NIV). And, John adds the words of Christ, “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown” (Rev. 3:11, NIV). In Japan, less than 1% call themselves “Christians.” As our missionaries and other Christians in Japan respond to meet the physical needs of those hit by this disaster, pray they will have the opportunity to share the eternal hope that is found in Jesus Christ.

In His Grip.