Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End Times?

When the Gulf War broke out in the 90’s, there were several doomsday prophets writing books and speaking at conferences and churches. They were telling us where we were in the timeline of Revelation. Then we had the Y2K scare. Not only were people frantic about our computer systems, but millions of people expected the Apocalypse to take place. In the past
decade we seemed to have had an unusual rash of hurricanes which caused more Christians to wonder if it was a sign of the times. Next on the list is the Mayan calendar which ends in 2012. What will happen then? Should we prepare for the end of the world?
Many people do think that somehow through catastrophe of our own doing or of God that we are approaching the end of the world. A poll in Newsweek found that two in ten Americans think the world will end in their lifetime. And honestly, the way things are headed in this world I’m beginning to think the same.
The truth is, we don’t know when Christ will return. God knows, but He’s not sharing that info with anyone. He has, however, revealed in His inerrant Word the apocalyptic nature of the end times. What I mean is that he has unfolded his plan. We debate and get hung up over the interpretation and details of his plan, but the most important part to note is this: Christ is coming, and we had better be ready when He gets here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Protect the Unborn

This Thursday, Kim and I, along with a few others from FCC, will join supporters of our local Pregnancy Care Clinic. We will unite to support life in the womb not just with our presence, but with our checkbooks as well.
We live in a society that continues to support and promote the killing of unborn babies. How can this be? Why can’t people understand that the conditions of conceiving a child, or whether the child is wanted or unwanted, has no bearing on the fact that the unborn child is a human being created in the image of God? It blows my mind and breaks my heart.
The hypocrisy of those who support the killing of 1 in 4 of every unborn child in the name of “choice” is rampant. Abortionists oppose laws requiring expectant mothers to first view the ultrasound images of their child before they proceed with an abortion. They are opposed to informing parents of minors who are seeking an abortion. They are opposed to legislation that states our tax money should not pay for abortions.
Abortionists are opposed to free speech that champions the pro-life message. Several years ago, Harvard Law School student, Matt Evans, was disciplined and chastised by students and faculty for posting a sign on a student bulletin board that read: Smile! Your mother chose life. Anti-lifers called it hate speech! And who can forget the recent uproar from pro-abortionists over Tim Tebow’s Super Bowl ad?
Please pray for the unwanted children (born and unborn) in this world, but don’t just pray…do something!
In His Grip, Phil

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Body Art and other Gray Matters

My brother, Greg, recently completed his first marathon. We're talking 26 miles and 385 yards! Truly a great accomplishment. Anyway, he posed the question via Facebook whether or not he should get a tattoo to commemorate the feat.

I thought I would attempt to offer a Biblical perspective.

A. Though Christians are not under the OT law, we must adhere to the principles of the law which reflect the personhood of God. The fact that God gave a command against tattoos (Lev 19:28) should cause us to ask why.

B. The NT does not specifically cover the topic of tattoos. When it comes to matters where the Scriptures (particularly the NT) are silent, there are two opposing views:... See More
1) Scriptural silence equals condemnation.
2) Scriptural silence equals liberty.

There are flaws with both views: On one hand, it is difficult and dangerous to condemn something without clear Biblical authority. On the other hand, it is just as dangerous to condone something if there is room for doubt whether or not it pleases God.

So where is the middle ground on this? Liberty with extreme caution.

C. Does it honor God?

First of all, if it honors you, or is an attempt to draw attention to you or your accomplishments, then it's vanity. "Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord" (1 Cor 1:31).

1 Cor 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.

Though we can't say 1 Cor 6:19-20 applies directly to tattoos, it does give us a principle: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

Is the tattoo honoring God? Is it for God's own good purposes? Will it be pleasing to Him? Is it how God wants to be honored?

D. What about a tattoo that honors God?

Paul told the Corinthians that he would be willing to "become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Cor 9:22).

1 Cor 10:23 says, “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible – but not everything is constructive.”

If we put those two verses together, we can say that a tattoo that is Christian in nature (that honors God) could be “permissible.” Would it be beneficial and constructive in honoring God and saving the lost? Perhaps, perhaps not.

I think it comes down to whether it is vanity (self glorification) or God honoring. A decision that can only be decided in one's own heart (conscience).

Humbly, Phil

What Have You Taken for Granted Lately?

This past Sunday evening my LIFE group (home Bible study) discussed the second chapter of Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love. We were reminded how quickly our life could end, and with that in mind, how we should reflect on those things that really matter, especially glorifying God.

Several in our group talked about regrets, missed opportunities, second chances, and taking things for granted. The truth is, there are some things in life I don’t want to miss out on for one second – yet I do. Why, because I move through life at a pace far to fast – so much so that the things and people most important to me become a blur.

It got me to thinking of what I have taken for granted in my life.
• I take for granted being married to an amazing Christian woman.
• I take for granted being blessed with two wonderful sons and a daughter-in-law who is a blessing to us.
• I take for granted having been brought up in a Christian home...thanks dad and mom!
• I take for granted having Christian brothers and sisters who are great servants of God.
• I take for granted being a Preacher at a church that is loving and caring.
• I take for granted having an occupation I truly love every day. Even the stresses that come are totally worth it when I realize what I get to do every day.

The list literally could go on and on and on.

So what about you? What or who have you taken for granted lately? Who do you need to call right now and just say
“thanks” to? What has God placed in your life that you need to stop, drop to your knees and praise Him for?

In His Grip, Phil