Friday, September 21, 2012

Should Christian's Be Involved in Politics?

Augustine said those who are citizens of God's kingdom are best equipped to be citizens of the kingdom of man. Historian John Hallowell wrote, “Only through a return to faith in God, as God revealed Himself to man in Jesus Christ, can modern man and his society find redemption from the tyranny of evil.”
Who is better to govern us than our Creator? It is Christian involvement in government that gave us hospitals, civil liberties, abolition of slavery, modern science, the elevation of women, regard for human life, great works of art and literature, a workable system of justice, education for common people, the free-enterprise system, and much, much more. Personal faith, biblical principles, and the recognition of God's sovereignty are spread throughout the writings of our nation's founding fathers. The Bible's solutions make sense and we should vote to keep out of office those who attempt to oppose God's authority, regardless of their political affiliation.
Where we have a voice and can elect our leaders, Christians should exercise that right by voting for those whose views most closely parallel God's principles.
Recommended reading:  The Stewardship of Politics, by Timothy J. Carlson, The Restoration Herald, Sept 2012. Let Me Tell You How You Should Vote, by Ben Cachiaras, Christian Standard, Sept 2012. Should Christians Vote for a Mormon President?, by Bob Russell.