Turning on the news and you will soon hear about a scandal knocking at the door of a high profile celebrity or politician. One would think that those who live in the public eye would learn the wisdom of Numbers 32:23 "...your sin will find you out." The truth is that this verse applies to everyone, whether you are followed by cameras or live a life of obscurity like most of us.
I think a lesson here is one about integrity.
Simply ask yourself this question: “How do I live when no one’s looking?” It’s easy to look like a person of integrity when people are watching, but do I live my private life with the same level of consistency as I live my public life?
Much of our lives are consumed with trying to get people to think about us the way we want to be thought about. John Ortberg suggests, “Human conversation is largely an endless attempt to convince others that we are more assertive or clever or gentle or successful than they might think if we did not carefully educate them.” Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:1 are hard to get around: “Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”
I think celebrities think it’s possible to live one life publicly and another life privately. Check that...all of us live double lives to some degree. That’s not integrity; it’s a recipe for trouble and God’s discipline. We are to live with consistency in public and in private, because our Father “sees what is done in secret” (Matthew 6:4).
Since this is the case, being faithful in small, secret things is a big deal. It may be the case that God is far less concerned with our public life than he is in our private character. He may be more concerned with how we manage our home than our business. I'm not suggesting that God is not concerned with our public life - He is! However, allowing God's grace to change us and shape us in the small, secret places of our lives will enable us to live in the image of his Son in the big, public places.
In the end, integrity is about desire. Who we become reveals what we really desire. If you desire the praise of men, then you will become a certain kind of person in public. But if you desire the praise of God, then integrity (your behavior in private) will need to become a priority.