In Matthew 28:19-20 we are told to “make disciples of all nations.” You do understand that “all nations” means every person, everywhere, don’t you? If the United States is the extent of your vision – then you’re focused on just 5% of the world. But what about the other 95%, should we care about them? Do you think God’s cares about the 95%? You bet he does!
Before you start thinking how in the world are you going to reach the world, let me give you the answer how – technology. Right now, we live in an age where any church in North America with an internet connection can access about 650 million English-speaking web users. If you go through translators, you can access a total of 2.4 billion people who access the web worldwide. That’s 1/3 of the people on earth that you have the potential of touching for Christ.
Did you ever stop to think that perhaps, just maybe, you were placed right here, at this time and with these technologies, for just such a grand purpose? I suppose God could have saved someone like the Apostle Paul for such a time as now, but he didn’t… because God has you and me. And we understand how these technologies work. All it takes is a vision to see beyond our church, our neighborhoods, our city, even our nation. Do you want to reach the world itself? Do you want your one life to have an impact for Christ on the whole planet?
Stop limiting yourself. The world is your audience – speak to it!